Our Guiding Rules:
- Leave the Earth a better place than how you found it
- Never do anything to hurt yourself or others
Our Values:
- Gratitude
- Perseverance
- Resilience
“…for as neither one swallow, nor one day, makes a spring; so neither does one day, nor a short time, make a man blessed and happy”

Why Practice Eudaimonic Well-being?
Eudaimonia is not simply a single state of mind like happiness. Rather, it relates to the whole activity of living.
Human flourishing, or Eudaimonia, is therefore the contented state of being happy and healthy, in a continuously developing life filled with purpose.
Research-based content
Free to use
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It is important to let you know that nothing on this site constitutes professional, health, financial or other advice. This is because The Framework is a general guide and all information on the site is based on subject research and analysis rather than tailored advice aimed at individuals.
You should only take decisions after considering the effects on your particular circumstances.
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Whether you are curious about The Framework, any of the areas, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.