Siblings exploring the garden
Get Dirty: Why a Little Soil Under the Fingernails Is Good for Kids
Encouraging Young Explorers to Connect with Nature Remember those carefree days of your childhood when you’d come home with dirt-streaked cheeks and a sense of wild adventure?...
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Man and woman meditating
How To Harness the Power of Affirmations for Eudaimonic Well-being
In the pursuit of true well-being, we often find ourselves looking for more than just fleeting happiness. Eudaimonic Well-being, a concept deeply rooted in ancient philosophy, emphasises...
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View of planet earth from space to show how fragile it is and so how we have to prioritise slowing climate change.
10 Powerful Ways You Can Help Prevent Climate Catastrophe
At the heart of being a Volunteer is making the world a better place for all, and what the inhabitants of the world urgently need is for humans to prioritise the climate crisis and...
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Stones stacked purposefully to symbolise eudaimonic well-being
Unlock Lasting Happiness Now: A Guide to Eudaimonic Well-Being
Welcome to Practice Eudaimonic Well-Being, your philosophy and comprehensive resource for cultivating happiness, purpose, and fulfilment in your life. In this blog post, we will delve...
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Bowl of soup next to some fresh bread and some basil
The Ultimate Guide to Freezing Leftover Food: What You Can and Cannot Freeze
In this article, we will discuss which leftover foods freeze well and not so well, and how you can get the best out of the leftover foods that you freeze.
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Pile of round stones stacked next to a lake
5 Practical Tips for Improving Your Eudaimonic Well-Being
Do you often feel like something is missing in your life? Do you want to live a fulfilling life, but don’t know where to start? You might want to Practice Eudaimonic Well-being....
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Sandy beach near rocks
The Right Holiday Insurance, At The Best Value
If you go on holiday abroad, there is an important piece of Life Admin to do and that is to buy appropriate holiday insurance (also known as travel insurance) as soon as possible after...
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Boardwalk strectched out into a lake near mountains
What is Eudaimonic and why is it important?
Below we answer a variety of frequently asked questions relating to the word Eudaimonic. What does Eudaimonic mean? Eudaimonic is an ancient Greek word, of, or relating to, eudaimonia. The...
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