
Independence, Self-expression

A clock showing the time to use as you complete your challenge

Daily time commit:

5 minutes +

Channel your creative side

Everyone has a creative side, and it is important that you exercise yours as you journey through life, to fully discover and explore your passions.

While you Create something, you become fully immersed in the present, which is hugely beneficial to your well-being – you are not worrying about the past or feeling apprehensive about the future. Your creations become a talking point as you Socialise; whether you are creating something just for fun, to help your community, or to provide you with a source of Work; and you Learn new skills as you progress your creations to the next level.

Do something creative for 5 minutes + every day to cross off this area of The Framework and feel the sense of pride as your creations come to life.

Creating With a Passion While Exploring the World

There is nothing better than sitting back, looking at your creation, and saying “I did that!” while feeling the sense of pride, the confidence boost, the accomplishment. 

To invent something and bring it into existence is a special thing and particularly important to Practice Eudaimonic Well-being

Feeling fulfilled comes from feeling satisfied with what you have achieved in life.

It is important that you keep exploring the world and trying all the new things that you can. In this way you will Learn what truly inspires and motivates you. You can then set yourself goals and further your ideas in these areas, learning and creating as you go.

Fuel up to Create

Ever had a creative block? Sitting and staring at a blank page (whether literally or metaphorically) does not help. See below for ideas on how to get the creative juices flowing again.

Go for a walk in the Fresh Air and let it all go while you soak in nature again, energising your body with Vitamin D and inspiring your sub-conscious to unleash your creativity again

Studies have shown a direct correlation between Exercise and an increase in creativity. Exercise increases the hippocampus in your brain, which is the part of your brain that generates creative ideas

Listen to Talks to consider innovative ideas and get yourself thinking about things differently. Gaining new knowledge is a terrific way to find inspiration and generate fresh ideas yourself

If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done"


Create things that you wish existed

Get creative

There are so many ways that you can unleash your creative side. See below for ideas:

Stimulate your imagination

Whatever form you choose, be it painting, sculpting, music or otherwise, art is a great creative outlet and makes you more observant.

Communicate with clarity

Everybody has at least one book in them. Immerse yourself as you Create new characters and places or conduct research.

Connect with others

Whether it is a blog, an e-commerce site, or a portfolio, Create a website to reach your target audience and make new connections.

Develop your empathy

Do good for others. Create a charity to tackle an issue or solve a problem and Volunteer your time to progress it, recruiting other volunteers to help you.

Gain independence

Have a big idea? Progress it, whether on your own or with a partner or team to get it off the ground. Learn as you go about creating your own Work and increasing your independence.

Gain confidence

Not ready to take the leap into self-employment? Working on your side-hustle in your spare time gives you the chance to trial ideas and prepare the groundwork before taking the leap.

Wired to Create

There are defining traits to creativity, and there is a bit of each of them in all of us.

Openness to new experiences is when you are open-minded, and willing to accept less certainty. You will embrace fresh ideas and enjoy trying new things. You will seek out unconventional ways of doing things as you explore your inner world of ideas and emotions as well as make sense of the outer environment. The new experiences that you encounter will also shift your perspective and inspire you creatively.


Having openness to new experiences, you are more likely to do activities for the fun and satisfaction of doing them, rather than for any reward. When you are in this Flow state you enhance your engagement in creativity-related activities, which in turn improves how you rate your own creativity.


The belief in yourself that you can be creative is especially important to the act of being creative.


Studies have found that higher dopamine levels drive our motivation to explore and boost creativity. In turn, completing a creative task provides a release of dopamine which further boosts our motivation to continue being creative. 


Exercise also causes your brain to release dopamine, as well as increases the size of the hippocampus itself (the part of your brain that releases dopamine), thereby promoting creativity.


The benefits to you when you Create

Studies have shown that participating in creative activities improves cognitive function. This further helps you to solve problems in life, cope with change and innovate.

Further benefits are below:

As you Create you focus fully on the activity at hand, drowning out negative feelings such as isolation and stress. Your creation becomes a talking point helping you to Socialise, and you meet like-minded people to help you progress your creation further.

Reduces feelings of isolation and stress

When you Create something, you start with a blank canvas and bring something that isn’t into existence. You have a vision in your head and choose every aspect of the production, from concept to realisation, providing an abundance of scope for self-expression.

Allows self-expression

Ever had a big idea but no one listening. Progress your idea yourself and Create it into existence, bringing with it the opportunity to Work on something you genuinely believe in.

Brings opportunities

When you complete a creative task your brain releases dopamine (the “feel-good” hormone) as a reward. This in turn motivates you more and increases your happiness levels.

Improves your mood

Creations start with a vision and as you progress your vision you may need to Learn new skills to realise it or build on the skills that you already have.

Builds skills

When you complete a creation and bring something new into existence it you will enjoy a sense of achievement which will increase your self-confidence and motivate you to Create other things.

Boosts self-confidence

Do what no one else has done before

Why you should Create

The stats in support of creative activities:

Reduction in agitation and need for medication in people with dementia
Music therapy (2017) 67%
Increase in healthy eating by people in deprived communities
The Arts (2017) 79%
Engagement in more physical activity
The Arts (2017) 77%
Decrease in GP consultation rates in people experiencing psychological or physical distress
The Arts (2017) 37%

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door"



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