To feel more energised, relaxed, and focused

Daily time commit:
25 mins +
Exercise creates energy
It is a myth that the more Exercise we do, the more tired we get. As though we use up all our energy. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
Create energy through Exercise.
Start exercising at a comfortable pace. Then, with a gradual increase over time, the more you do, the stronger you get and the more energy you Create. This ever-increasing strength and energy will allow you to do even more tomorrow.
As well as your physical body, Exercise is great for your mental health. This is due to the serotonin (the “happy” chemical) released naturally in your brain as you Exercise.
The key is to listen to your body. Push yourself each day (one more rep, one minute longer walk) but do not overexert yourself. Rest when you need to and drink water to stay hydrated. Daily Exercise is a marathon, not a race.

What counts as Exercise?
Brisk walking, pushing a lawnmower and walking up the stairs all count towards your daily Exercise. You could do the minimum recommended time in one go, or in chunks throughout the day, to tick off this area of The Framework.
See below for more inspiration for your daily Exercise.
Aerobic Activities
Water Sports
A healthy and fun choice, water sports can be both physical and challenging

Aerobic Activities
Winter Sports
Enjoy the snow and ice

Aerobic Activities
The Great Outdoors
Exercise is great to get you closer to nature while crossing Fresh Air off The Framework as you go

Aerobic Activities
At the gym
There are a multitude of activities that you can do at the gym, great for those rainy days, to hit your Exercise daily goal

Aerobic Activities
Help the blood flow more easily around your body and keep diseases at bay

Strengthening Activities
Anaerobic Exercises
Boost your metabolism and cardiovascular endurance as you build muscle

Strengthening Activities
Exercise with equipment
Get the maximum health benefits by doing exercises with strengthening equipment until you need a short rest. Then repeat.

….and stretch!
Get in touch to let us know or to ask us any questions