
A clock showing the time to use as you complete your challenge

Daily time commit:

5 minutes +

Progress, Grow

Learning is a lifelong activity

You are never too old to Learn something new and should aim to Learn at least one new thing every day of your life.

In fact, studies have shown that lifelong learning increases cognition levels and delays the onset of cognitive impairment such as dementia.

Spend 5 minutes + per day learning something new to cross off this area of The Framework.

Explore your interests

Learning is not all about studying and passing exams. Find things that interest you and learn something new about them every day.

See below for ideas of things that you can Learn:

Learning never exhausts the mind"

Leonardo da Vinci

The benefits of learning on well-being


Learning new skills helps you to better deal with challenges, and successfully dealing with challenges improves your self-confidence, further enabling you to take on more challenges.


The process of choosing what to Learn and then going about the actual learning process itself gives a sense of purpose and direction, as it opens future possibilities.


Learning helps you to connect with like-minded individuals, whether it is during the learning process itself, or once you start to apply your new skill.

Less stressed

The learning process forces you to be in the present moment and not worry about what has happened in the past or what might happen in the future, thereby reducing your stress levels.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people"

Eleanor Roosevelt

Learning expands your span of control

Span of control

For your own well-being, it is important that you only spend time worrying about what is within your span of control. Instead, focus on learning so that you can widen your span of control.

Limit the news

While it is good for you to be aware and informed, it is detrimental to spend too long worrying about things that you have no control over. Limit the news to an hour per day.

Be the change

Only spend a long time thinking about things that are outside your span of control if you are thinking constructively about how you can get involved to bring about positive change.

Focus on growth rather than perfection"



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