Get a head-start on your day

Daily time commit:
5 minutes +
Take 5 minutes + each day to Prepare for tomorrow, so that you can wake up energised and ready to go
01 - Visualise
What does tomorrow look like?
Note down which tasks you must do tomorrow. The tasks that could not wait until the next day if they absolutely had to – these are your top priorities
02 - Plan
How will you get your top priorities done?
Think about how you will get your top priorities done tomorrow. Your subconscious will keep working on them for you as you sleep
03 - Prepare
What can you do now ahead of tomorrow?
Get ahead of the game by doing whatever you can now in relation to tomorrow’s top priorities so that you are as prepared as you can be
What does tomorrow look like?
Visualise your day tomorrow and note down what you must do.
Then review what you have noted with the intention of freeing up your day as much as you can.
The key to prioritising is to distinguish between what you must do, compared to what you would like to do.
If you have three or more things that you must do, move all the things that you would like to do to a later day, giving yourself the space to focus fully on your priorities tomorrow.
This approach gives you focus while maintaining flexibility in your day and reduces the risk of burnout.
And if the list of what you must do is long, it is time to delegate!
How will you get your top priorities done?
Maintain focus and flexibility
Planning and preparation are the decisive factors behind your success
Break each priority down into bite-sized chunks. What time will you complete each task? Who do you need to speak with to complete each task? How long will each task take?
Be clear on the range of time that you have for each task. What is the earliest and the latest that you could complete each task? This will inform you about how flexible you can be throughout your day while still getting your top priorities done and moving forward.
Visualise doing each task. How does the thought of doing it make you feel? If there is any apprehension or anxiety, try to recognise what is causing it. Listen to Talks on the task (it is unlikely that somebody somewhere hasn’t done it before) to boost your confidence and listen to some Affirmations to ground you and boost your positivity. You are more likely to complete the task tomorrow if you have prepared for it.
What can you do ahead of tomorrow?
Prepare your Food for tomorrow.
Taking lunch with you to Work and preparing the children’s school packed lunch the night before will save precious time in the morning. You will make healthier choices, as well as save money, than if you purchase out on the go.
Planning your dinner for tomorrow will also help you to eat more healthily than waiting until you are hungry, tired from a busy day, and your blood sugar has dipped. Prepare what you can today to save time tomorrow evening.
Clothes and bags
Knowing what your priorities are tomorrow, prepare your clothes and pack your bag. Do your clothes need ironing? Have you got your travel pass or car keys? Will you need any cash? What books do you need?
Get children in the habit of packing their schoolbag the night before too. It is a good life lesson and will provide a less stressful start to your day.
Have a relaxing bath or shower, followed by a pamper session. Give your hair a treatment. Moisturise. Trim your nails (and paint them if you wish). Whatever you choose, it will all help you to relax and unwind, as well as boost your self-esteem ahead of tomorrow.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail"
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