
Daily time commit:
5 minutes +

Innovative ideas, Fresh thinking
Listening to Talks by subject experts is a fantastic way to reaffirm your current knowledge, Learn new things, and discover innovative ideas that cause you to think about things differently. You can then apply any new knowledge and fresh thinking to progress your own ideas.
TED Talks
Your brain forms new neural connections every time that you Learn something new

Talks and The Framework
Listen to a talk every day for at least 5 minutes to cross off this area of The Framework. There are a multitude of quality Talks by subject matter experts available online for free such as TED Talks and on YouTube.
If you are short on time and can only spend 5 minutes per day listening to Talks, you could either find bite-size Talks and watch one in full each day or view a longer talk in chunks over time.
Search for Talks that are relevant to your Work, learning, interests, or personal growth to bring topics to life and expand your thinking in these areas
What should I look for in a Talk?
Firstly, it is important that the speaker of your talk does not give you misinformation. If your speaker is a subject expert, you should be able to trust the content of their talk. However, do not be afraid to question any aspects of the talk and do fact-check any added information that you get from it, to fully satisfy yourself and integrate any new knowledge into your current thinking.
Secondly, your speaker should have prepared for the talk. This will be evident by the quality of the content, whether verbal or visual, and how easy it is for you to digest the information. If they cannot explain things simply enough for you to follow, you can conclude that they do not understand it well enough themselves.
And finally, it is important that the speaker is interesting and engaging to listen to so that they can keep your interest, share their passion, and really bring the topic to life for you.

Subject Expert

Good Preparation

Enthusiastic Speaker
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