
Rejuvenated Body & Soul

A clock showing the time to use as you complete your challenge

Daily time commit:

5 minutes +


Allow your body and mind to relax, renew, and feel great


Soak with a book to cross off Learn from The Framework at the same time. Alternatively listen to Affirmations or a Talk while you recharge.


Save water and time with a quick three-to-four-minute shower to freshen up, while stimulating your circulation and helping you to relax.


Protect your skin by applying an SPF with Zinc to not only protect against UV exposure but pollution too.

Why should you Wash?

Washing, and keeping clean, is particularly important. The below outlines the main reasons:

Firstly, and most importantly, you should Wash to keep diseases and infections at bay. The single most important thing that you can do is to Wash your hands. In 2019 there were over 600,000 deaths globally due to having no access to hand-washing facilities. Handwashing with soap is more effective than with water alone as the soap lifts soil and microbes from the skin. Alternatively, using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser works effectively too.

Secondly, scientists have linked bathing in warm water to improved mental health. The warm water increases your levels of Oxytocin; which can help to ease feelings of anxiety; and relieves feelings of loneliness.

And finally, after washing you smell good, and feel comfortable, boosting your self-esteem. This all helps you to Socialise

Book, coffee and candles over and around a bath in preparation for a wash


Dermatologists recommend showering in water that is lukewarm or slightly warm. Wash from top to bottom.



Use an electric toothbrush for healthier gums and less tooth decay. Be sure to change the toothbrush head no later than every three months.



Keep the underneath of your nails clean to prevent germs from building up and spreading. Use a nail brush for any hard-to-reach dirt.


How often do you have a bath or shower, and why?

Get in touch to share


How often do you need to have a bath or shower?

The idea of going more than a day without a shower or bath may be unthinkable to you but research shows that washing your body too often may not be necessary or beneficial



Leading dermatologists only recommend a shower or bath every other day, or two to three times a week. At least twice a week is the recommendation of the NHS in the UK.

Showering or bathing every day can lead to itching; dry and flaky skin; flare-ups of eczema or psoriasis; and dry and brittle hair


Everyone should clean their face, and genital and bottom area every day. Additionally, if the day exposes you to strong chemicals, odours, or dirt, you will want to remove residue at the end of the day.

Use a baby wipe or a washcloth to freshen up, or if easier jump into the shower for a quick rinse, focussing on cleaning key areas. Wear a shower cap to protect your hair if it is not particularly dirty


You may find that you need to have a shower or bath less in the winter when the temperature is cooler but more in the summer when it is hotter causing you to sweat more. 

Sweating helps your body to release heat, thereby maintaining an optimal body temperature. When bacteria on your skin meets sweat, body odour (BO) occurs

Personal preference

You may like to have a shower or bath as part of either your wake-up routine in the morning or your wind-down routine at night.

A daily shower or bath is fine for most people but try to limit it to once a day to help protect the natural oils in your skin

There is no fixed rule to how often you should have a shower or bath as everybody’s skin is, and circumstances are, different. If you have dry skin, you may need to Wash less. If it is hot or you have been taking part in dirty activities, you may need to Wash more. Do what feels right for you but make sure you have a shower or bath at least twice per week.

Save lives: clean your hands
To-do list

Washing and keeping cleaning

Listen to your body. It tells you when it needs cleaning, however, be sure to meet the below minimums for keeping clean.

Wash your hands

Every time after going to the toilet

Wash your face

Every day

brush your teeth

Twice a day

wash your genitals and bottom

Every day


Twice a week at least

trim your nails


To-do list


Keep your regular check-ups


Register with a GP locally so that they can keep you up to date with the services that you are eligible for and help you when you are feeling poorly


Visit for a check-up at least every two years to check for conditions such as cataracts or glaucoma, as well as your general eye health and vision


Visit for a check-up at least once a year to check that your mouth, teeth, and gums are healthy


Get in touch to let us know or to ask us any questions